Child & Youth Therapy

Andrea van Gelder

Online & Personal Professional Counseling

Licensed* therapist with 16 years of experience in my own practice, lecturer in child development psychology. Specialised in depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, anger, autism, ADHD and high giftedness



How It Works

Choose your time and place to talk with your therapist when you feel you need it


Through creative techniques such as visualisation, hypnoses, mindfulness and drawing exercises, you will work together with your therapist to understand, mage and overcome your questions and difficulties 



Practice is closed

No session available 



E-counseling or Personal Session 

                                                           The practice is closed



Lid van VIT/VIT lidmaatschap. 539.17.A

AGB-code Zorgverlener: 90106813

AGB-code Onderneming: 94056668

KVK: 65469070d

If not satisfied with our services, we are open to discuss this anytime. When unable to work it out together, you can contact the VIT and ask for a complaints officer as prescribed in the law WKKGZ. According to this law we are registered at the BCZ (register Beroepsbeoefenaren Complementaire Zorg). As a registered therapist I am subject to disciplinary law.

RBCZ Licentienummer 200242R

SCAG Registratienummer 12904

Andrea van Gelder Profile